Why I Don’t Post Before & After Photos

If you have ever been looking to hire a professional organizer, you may have done a search that yielded lots of before and after shots of untidy homes that have magically transformed into the color coded place of your tidiest dreams. Professional organizers and decluttering experts often use theses photos and if that works for them, I say carry on!

But if you've ever visited my organizing website, FB or IG, you might have noticed something missing – those classic before and after photos that are all the rage in the world of transformations. Sometimes folks are disappointed by this and I get it! Before and after pictures are really fun and satisfying. Let me share with you why I've chosen to take a different path, one that's all about privacy, understanding, and long-lasting change.

  1. Privacy Rules!: This is my number one reason why I will never post before and after pics. When we work together on your organizing journey, we're diving into your personal spaces. These are places that reveal a lot about you, and I respect that. Sharing "before,” “after” or ANY photos is a big no-no. Your privacy matters, and would never jeopardize the trust that you have instilled in me. I often take photos of spaces for me to brainstorm ideas but I would never use them publicly.

  2. Realistic Lives, Not Glamour Shots: Sure, before and after pics can be eye-catching, but let's be honest; they often showcase the most extreme makeovers. My approach is more about the customized process that leads to lasting organization. It's like the tortoise in the race against the hare, but with a tidier closet.

  3. Being Kind is Key: I love my clients and I am honored to be allowed into their homes and lives. It doesn’t feel kind or respectful to ever consider anyone’s situation a “before.” Period. We are all doing our best and I am here to help you reach your goals without shame or judgement.

  4. It's About the Journey, Not Just the Destination: You know what they say: it's not just about where you're going; it's about how you get there. Those before and after pics can sometimes overshadow the real magic of the organizing process – the self-discovery, the growth, and the small victories along the way.

  5. No Unrealistic Expectations Here: Before and after pics can make it seem like organizing is a quick fix. But in reality, it often takes time, patience, and some trial and error. I want you to know what you're signing up for – a journey with a beautiful destination, made more beautiful since it is created with your ability to maintain it in mind.

  6. You Are the Star of the Show: My organizing services are all about you. Your unique needs, your style, and your situation. We're not here for a cookie-cutter approach. It's like getting a custom-made suit instead of settling for off-the-rack.

  7. Do You Really Want or Need New Products?: Having a beautiful, Pinterest worthy home may be your goal…but also it might not be. Many of my clients are mindful about waste and expense and would rather use the bins, baskets and supplies that they already have first and I am totally here for it! This makes for a happy client but might not create a picture perfect look of a rainbow organized shelf with matching bins.

  8. Let's Make Change Stick: I'm not just here to swoop in and create a temporary transformation. My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to keep things organized for the long haul. It might not look as impressive in a snapshot, but it's a lot more rewarding in the long run.

So, there you have it – the scoop on why you won't see before and after photos on my website and social media. I strongly believe that it's all about embracing the journey, respecting your privacy and focusing on changes that truly stick. If that sounds like your kind of approach, I'd love to help you on your organizing adventure!

Melissa Gugni

Hi Friends! I am a professional organizer and stylist serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 2017. I am also the owner of the award winning wine bar Union Larder and the wine and cheese shop Little Vine, both in San Francisco.


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