The Best Home Organizing Project is…

When you need a quick organizing fix, there is nothing better than a laundry room since it can usually be done in under an hour or even less! When my world is feeling chaotic there’s nothing like the soothing smell of detergent and a little tidying to make me feel whole again. As a home organizer, I get to work on a lot of laundry rooms all over the San Francisco Bay Area and it always makes my clients so happy when they see it completed.

A client recently told me about a delightful book called Laundry Love by Patric Richardson and I couldn’t put it down! I have a secret love of folding laundry and this book taught me a bunch of fun tricks for washing too. My bedding now smells like peppermint and has never been fluffier! It helped me to revamp my tiny laundry room including only toxin free washing powders, dryer balls and a couple of essential oils.

Could your laundry room use some love? Here are a few tips to get it ship shape it no time:

  1. Send things home: The first step to any good home organizing project is to get anything that doesn't belong out of that space. All sorts of crazy things can accumulate in a laundry room (usually from emptying pockets!) Toys, money, paper clips, keys, pens - send them all to their proper homes and make a commitment to regularly clearing those items out.

  2. Be selective: Use a discerning eye about what products are taking up space in your laundry room. I find many of my clients are holding on to detergent they don't use because they don't like the smell. If that applies to you, let it go! I don't believe anyone ends up liking a scent they once hated. Same goes for stain removers that haven't actually removed stains, those baseball cap washing mold things you never liked using or other products that are not used for laundry.

    I also like to remind folks that having too many laundry products can make the whole process feel a lot more chaotic than it needs to be. Keep your favorites on hand but I believe in less is more - if you have to weed through 12 different detergents to find the one you like the most, it's time to downsize.

  3. Focus on functionality: When organizing your laundry room, it's important to prioritize function over aesthetics. While it's nice to have a beautifully decorated laundry room, if it's not functional, it will quickly become cluttered and chaotic again. Those picture perfect laundry rooms on IG are lovely but before hitting the Container Store, make sure to plan your space with the purpose of the room in mind. It looks great, but do you really want to decant your laundry detergent? If so, go for it. But as I always say, a good home organizing solution is like a good exercise program. It will only stick if it works for you. The best storage solutions are practical and efficient.

  4. Create designated zones: Do what professional organizers do if you have the space and consider creating designated zones within your laundry room for different tasks. For example, you could have a folding station, a sorting area, and a storage area for laundry supplies. This can help streamline the process and make laundry day more efficient.

  5. Maximize storage space: Laundry rooms are often small and cramped, but there are plenty of ways to maximize storage space. Consider using shelves, cabinets, or hanging organizers to store laundry supplies, and install a hanging rod for drying clothes. You can also use the space above your washer and dryer for storage by installing a shelf or hanging a drying rack. My laundry room is so tiny - it has the smallest washer and dryer that the Home Depot sells and it fit without an inch to spare! I use the vertical space above it for supplies and the top of the appliances as a folding table and a place to keep the laundry basket.

  6. Keep it clean: A cluttered and dirty laundry room can quickly become overwhelming, so it's important to keep it clean and tidy. I always find it a surprising that for an area that makes clothes clean, it sure can get filthy. Make sure to wipe down your washer and dryer regularly, sweep or vacuum the floor, and empty your lint bin after every use. This will help prevent lint buildup and keep your laundry room safe.

  7. Make it a pleasant space: While functionality is key, it's also important to make your laundry room a pleasant space to be in. Consider adding a plant or some artwork to brighten up the space, and make sure it's well-lit. I used to think it was silly to put effort into making such a utilitarian room special, but I have changed my mind. Laundry is a part of life. Why not make the ritual a little bit nicer? When your laundry room is a space you enjoy being in, you'll be more motivated to keep it organized and clutter-free.

  8. Get creative with storage solutions: If you're short on space, getting creative with storage solutions can help you make the most of what you have. For example, you could install a retractable clothesline on the wall to hang clothes or a tension rod between cabinets to create a hanging space for spray bottles or other supplies. Consider using vertical space as well, such as adding shelves above your washer and dryer or hanging a shoe organizer on the back of your laundry room door.

  9. Keep it organized: Once you've decluttered and organized your laundry room, it's important to maintain it. Make it a habit to regularly clean out your lint bin and put away supplies after each use. Consider adding labels to bins and containers to help you easily find what you need, and use color-coding to differentiate between different types of laundry (such as whites, darks, and delicates).

  10. Don't forget about safety: I organize a lot of small laundry rooms where there might not be enough room for a trash can. If that applies to you, lint bins are a godsend. I am obsessed with fire safety (I lost a restaurant to a fire 5 years ago). Did you know that lint build up is the leading cause of home fires? These bins are made with magnets which attach to the side of a washer or dryer. When it is easy to access the receptacle I find that folks are more likely to use it regularly. If you’d like to learn more about fire safety and dryers, I’ve written a blog post that gives more information:

    Fire Prevention Tips from Your Friendly Neighborhood Pro Organizer.

  11. Make it a family affair: Finally, getting the whole family involved in home organizing and decluttering your laundry room can make the process much easier and more enjoyable. Encourage your kids to help sort and fold laundry, and create a system for everyone to put away their own clothes and supplies. My son started folding and putting away his own clothes when he was five. He’s now nine, and there’s only about a 50/50 chance that he will complain about it - down from 90% when we started. Not bad lol! When everyone pitches in, your laundry room can stay organized and clutter-free longer. Plus we can all do our part in creating the next generation of laundry enthusiasts (I can dream can’t I?)

Organizing and decluttering your laundry room can be a quick and easy way to improve the functionality and efficiency of your home. By getting rid of anything that doesn't belong, using a discerning eye when it comes to laundry products, maximizing storage space, and prioritizing safety, you can create a laundry room that is both practical and pleasant to be in.

Need a hand? I’m so glad you asked! Let’s talk about making your laundry room your happy place.

XO, Melissa

Melissa Gugni

Hi Friends! I am a professional organizer and stylist serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 2017. I am also the owner of the award winning wine bar Union Larder and the wine and cheese shop Little Vine, both in San Francisco.

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