Do You Make New Years’ Resolutions?

I love New Year’s Day.  There is something so peaceful about the start of a new year and the promise of new beginnings.  

But do I partake in New Year’s Resolutions?


My brain doesn’t need a special day to make big changes. If you are familiar with the Four Tendencies, I am an Upholder BIG TIME (if you don’t know about this one, check it out - it is really illuminating!  You can the quiz here if you like).  Give up sugar?  Sure, I can do that starting at noon on a random day in March. Read more books?  I started that in November. Set restrictions around phone use…doh, yeah, I guess I’m not THAT good.

I am more of a spur of the moment decision maker rather than gearing up for the start of the year. And when I make a resolution, boy oh boy will I keep it.

This might sound like humble brag, and in some ways, it can be a great thing. This type of mentality is certainly praised in our society.  But I am realizing that the rigidity that can come with this bulletproof willpower can be a problem. Like the time I kept training when I was in serious physical pain, and I continue to to deal with that injury even now. Or I gave up eating, like, just about everything (you suck Whole30) and therefore eating out with friends and my family was extremely difficult.

Also, my intensity in taking on hard goals can make me fall out of touch with the fact that not everyone operates this way.  And thank goodness for that!  I forget that there is a good reason why I left the bootstrap pulling mentality of the Midwest. Why is it that we feel the need to always be “improving?” Note: Unless you smoke. You should really try and give that one up.

My 2023 resolution is to not make any resolutions this year.  No weird wellness fads, no making myself feel less than and in need of major changes.  I just want to try to accept who and where I am and find ways to find ease and joy wherever I can.


What about you?  Do you love resolutions or hate them? Do you make them? Do they work for you?

Me and my little ham in Mexico! xo

Melissa Gugni

Hi Friends! I am a professional organizer and stylist serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 2017. I am also the owner of the award winning wine bar Union Larder and the wine and cheese shop Little Vine, both in San Francisco.

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